Liebster Blog Award

Wow, another award? How awesome is this? 🙂 I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by a dear fellow blogger, Cataline (aka Obscured Dreamer). Thank you so much, my friend! I really appreciate your recognition!

In accepting the award, the recipient agrees to:

Thank the person that gave the award and link back to their blog.

Copy and paste the award to your blog

Share 5 blogs you have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog.

Hope they pay it forward by accepting and awarding it to bloggers they would like to honor.

The following are my nominations for this award:

For All We Are



Born Vintage

Awakening Psyche

6 thoughts on “Liebster Blog Award

  1. Ayasonice says:

    Congratulations, Bethany!!! You deserve every award you get! 🙂 The last few days have been very demanding but I will catch up with your work soon 🙂 I hope all is well with you! Hugs XOXO

  2. Pawan Hira (awakeningpsyche) says:

    congratulations Bethany, you deserve it….:)

  3. Bluesander says:

    Congratulations! (:

  4. thirdplan8 says:

    Guess what? I just nominated you again for the award!!! You must be very popular!!

  5. onwindydays says:

    Haha, well congratulations you! It’s definitely a cool feeling to be recognized by others 🙂

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